February Sucked. Period. End of sentence. January was a very epic month on a personal level. One of my best friends was in from the States and we saw a lot of the country. She left the first week of February. That day we were robbed. Our laptops were stolen as was my digital SLR that still had pictures from the vacation on it. It was pretty shitty and just the beginning. There was a lot of drama with Genderbridge going on. I don't want to go into details but I was bullied and harassed during the month of January and eventually dismissed unlawfully in February. It was a very horrible situation but I'm eternally grateful it's over. I've been reinstated now and the last two months are finally over and done. I've really learned to stand up for myself and that you can persevere. I've found a lot of support outside of Genderbridge and now hope to bring them aboard to revitalize the negative image that it's taken in the last two months.
I've got a new laptop ao I'm back and here are my stats for now.
Weight: 285lbs still but people keep telling me I look like I've lost weight.
Libido: Feeling generally horny a lot but not really a huge pressing issue or anything like that. I want sex more but can still live without it.
Skin: Face is definitely oilier but I'm using ProActive to keep breakouts as much in check as I can. Shoulders have broken out a little bit but nothing unmanageable.
Hair: A little bit of thinning but it's growing really fast.
Body Hair: A few dark hairs on the corner of my lips. I shaved them off on Monday and they're back today. Shan said she noticed them a week before I did but was waiting for me to notice.
Dosage: 100mg
Amount of time on T: 12 weeks
Build: I keep being told I look like I'm losing weight though the scale isn't changing. I think the fat has started shifting a bit. My arms generally look stronger and my breasts are losing what little elasticity they had so they hang much more. If I double bind (yes I know it's bad but I only do it in VERY short bursts and only when I really need to pass) I'm extremely flat and my build is very masculine.
Menstruation: Last period lasted for like two and a half weeks of just spotting. This one, that I'm currently on (*grumble*) started out that way for three days but then just hugely escalated to a full period. I can't wait for it to stop. I really can't.
Energy Level: A little bit more energized, I can work out longer and usually WANT to work out longer. I just keep ending up at the gym with a bunch of douches that joke around on the equipment so I am very limited in what I can do so I end up doing more cardio than weights.
Voice: It seems a little lower, I can sing lower and have trouble singing higher. My voice definitely tires when I try to sing higher stuff, or sing along with people like Justin Timberlake or Bruno Mars who sing in a bit of a falsetto. One Bruno Mars song belted out and my voice is almost shot.
Misc: I'm a bit snappy, especially the first few days after shots. After my first 100mg shot, I was slightly less snappy but it's still very easy to get a small temper flare up. Until recently I've also been extremely stressed so that probably didn't help much.
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