Sunday, May 15, 2011

Back log Stats... Totally my bad

As of April 22. I had this done just forgot to post it.

Weight: 290lbs. Haven't been eating healthy and I've had a bit of a chest cold/infection so I haven't hit the gym as much as I would have liked.
Libido: Starting to deal with a bit of a constant arousal, though it's more if something REALLY gets me turned on, it just doesn't go away… even with some self love. It has kept me from sleeping a couple times and a cold cloth was required to tame it enough so I could sleep.
Skin: Face is oiler but not getting as many breakouts there as I was before. My body though, especially my breasts/chest/and back are getting more frequent break outs. Nothing nearing an acne level, but a heightened level of zits that just remain red bumps.
Hair: Not as much hair falling out as before, it grows fast still.
Body Hair: Still only a few hairs on the corners of my lips still and those are pretty light. I am getting a bit of a happy trail as well.
Dosage: 200mg
Amount of time on T: 18 weeks
Build: My fat has definitely started shifting and I'm carrying more in my stomach than I used to. Under my arm flab, my biceps are actually pretty muscular. If I don't double bind, my breasts are very pronounced for some reason which is kinda pissing me off.
Menstruation: Haven't menstruated in about 5 weeks. I think I may be done. Halla-freaking-lujah!
Energy Level: My last trip to the gym, I had limited time to work. Only an hour before I had to get to an appointment. I was tired (lots of insomnia recently for more personal troubles that have come up) and I wanted to go home and sleep, but the actual workout was a breeze.
Voice: Shan HATES when I try to sing along to girl music, I can't anymore and if I try falsetto it's pitchy at best. I'm noticing a real difference between this audio recording and my first pre-T one. I do have the remnants of a chest cold still and that made my voice low for a bit. But I'm getting closer and closer to the breaking point.

Misc: I've moved up 40lbs in how much I can do chin-ups since is a goal of mine to be able to do them since I never have been able to. I can do a couple extra reps of arm weights than I could pre-T and with less fatigue. I'm a little sore today but mostly my legs from trying to ride an upright bike for my cardio and I felt like I was over extending a lot so my quad is quite sore.

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